Thursday, September 13, 2012

Commercial Reality

This commercial by the local corner store captures the spirit of what happened this past week.
Boots commercial- Sunshine

Open Door's Day in front of
the Arts Building
The glorious sunshine and warm weather had everyone outside for Aberdeen's Open Door's Day.  We are talking reenactments, free bus rides, a British Science Festival, free concerts, and bubbles in front of the Arts Building.  It was magical.  And then it was over.  It's as if the sun decided to use up all of summer in last week.  For instance, today I left the house for a total of thirty minutes just to walk to the grocery store and then right back in the flat to stand by the heater.  My rain jacket dries out wearily, sighing when I grab it to go out again.  It practically yells at me, "This is why I was shipped and bought in Texas!  I did not want to live in these conditions!"  which I respond with, "Nonsense Rain Jacket, lets be brave like the locals and just endure the rain."

Today I realized, with the help of this commercial, that even the locals dislike the rain.  Every travel channel boasts about the weather and is the number one reason people are looking to move.  They say that the grey granite city that is Aberdeen shimmers after the rain.  The granite has a slight glimmer in it's rock that when moist and the sun hits it the buildings shine.  But, like most days, the granite gets moist and we all wait around to see if we can run outside and see the glimmer.  Today will not be such a day.  Sounds like a nice day to stay indoors and plan for this weekend and perhaps take on a cooking project that will leave me a nice mess to clean up in the kitchen.


  1. Haha, what a cute commercial. This morning was the opposite for me--I saw that it was raining outside, and I thought "Ahh, a break from the heat! I get to wear my new rain jacket!" But of course the sun is already back out and the rain probably just made everything steamier. Apparently I need to take a trip to Scotland to make me appreciate this sunshine!

    1. haha, yeah way to rub that in. :) Well, to be fair, I suppose you guys did just have a hurricane so you deserve a little sunshine. Love you!
