Tuesday, August 28, 2012

First Day of School... I mean, Work!

So Allen and Carly headed off on Monday for work.  It was a very gray day that had a weather map entirely shaded with blue blobs and swirling arrows, which apparently meant torrential downpour with hurricane winds.  The arrows dictate what direction your face will be peppered with the freezing rain.  After Allen and Carly left for work, the Evil Jetlag took over and I pulled the black out curtains like I was hiding in World War II.  It was a lovely sleep.  The kind where you aren't even embarrassed that you drooled a little because it was so refreshing.

Exploring that day was limited since the rain kept me close to home.  I walked around for awhile and then did what every good American does in the cold rain, came in and watched a movie with my slippers on.  I kind of felt guilty about Allen and Carly working so hard all day, but then "Sense and Sensibility" came on and all was forgotten.  :)  I did manage to go to the grocery store (Morrisons), though.  Did you know that Cool Whip is not already whipped here?  And that chicken soup is chicken broth and chicken broth is chicken soup?  It makes for an exciting time cooking.

Unfortunately, there was a big accident on the main street (by main street I mean two lane road) and the traffic was stopped up for miles.  Result: Bus routes getting cancelled and Allen and Carly stuck at work at the bus stop while the rain took out all of its vengeance on them.  By the time they got home they looked like little kids playing dress up in the rain.  There was a small amount of guilt again when I thought about how warm and cozy I had been all afternoon, but then I remembered the chicken pot pie was done and it gently slipped my conscience.

Happy First Day of Work, Allen!

1 comment:

  1. A. Chicken Pot Pie sounds amazing and I think that you need to come visit. B. Can I come and watch movies in the rain? C. Happy first day of work! That is JUST as exciting as the first day of school. Love you both!
