Wednesday, August 8, 2012

May the Packing Begin... Early

Yes, it's still two weeks away.  Yes, I may be jumping the gun, but if you were a Texas girl who thinks Fall is a cute nickname for the end of summer, you would be concerned with the reports of an average of 30 degrees in November in Scotland, too.  The suitcase is borrowed and  sits in the corner looking very intimidated as I pile bulky sweaters and coats next to it.  The real challenge of packing is the shoes.  As a tall-ish girl I have had to endure size 9.5 shoes most of my adult life.  When I see my feet they don't look that big, but when I see my shoes in that ever shrinking suitcase it makes me shake my head and wonder what kind of freaky vitamins my mother fed me as a child to produce such a giant.  
Anyway, there is one thing I will not be short on, scarves.  A couple of years ago scarves came back in style in Texas.  We like to pretend it's cold here in order to convince us that Christmas is coming.  So, everybody got scarves. For Christmas, Birthdays, Saint Patrick's Day.... I love scarves but there comes a time when your suitcase looks at you with those bulging, silver zippers and says, "You've got to be kidding me."  In an effort to preserve room for other clothing besides my neck, I will be wearing as many scarves on the airplane as possible.  This might be quite a scene since it will be August 24th in Houston on the day I board the plane... Maybe I will take more of a squirrel approach and use available pockets, socks, Allen.  You never know what will happen.  
I probably won't bore you with the details of my packing, but I needed to post my first blog to get things going on here.  I will do my best to keep it interesting, entertaining, light-hearted, and the most like Erma Bombeck as possible.  :)


  1. Haha, I love it! So Kara, and so many things I want to quote..."fall is a cute name for the end of summer"...scarves, funny. Awww, the only problem is it makes me miss you more--already!!

    1. haha, I'm glad you enjoyed it. I miss you too!

  2. YAY! This is SO awesome! I am so happy for you and so excited about keeping up with you through your delightful stories. And a big hip-hip-hurray to Erma Bombeck ;-) Miss you already (I'm not sure if that phrase really works, since you will actually be moving CLOSER to me, but I truly DO miss you already!)

  3. Wait, you're MOVING to Scotland? Wow. I hope you'll blog about the story behind this big change. Looking forward to sharing your adventures!

  4. I am SOOO excited for you guys [and maybe a little envious]. Okay, A LOT envious :) But thrilled for you two. It will be amazing, I know. I can't wait to read of your ventures over the next few months...and hoping this will motivate me to keep up with my blog life.

  5. This is so funny. What a fun trip! How far will you be from Edinborough? I know a girl who is there while her husband is working too! :)

    1. We will be a couple of hours away from there, but we are definitely going to be visiting! We hear it is an amazing city.
